Thursday, September 27, 2012

Discoveries: Details

Have you ever pondered the extent to which God is evident in your life? Have you ever tried to explain how incredible and intricate his fingerprints are on your personal timeline?
Its difficult to do. Its one of those epiphanies that have to be discovered on your own.
Like, when you are amazed at the changing color of leaves or the ability of an ear to decipher sound waves, and you tell someone about it. The other person is almost never on that same wavelength. Your words come out sounding close to crazy. "Bro, look at those leaves. They're so crazy and colorful!"
The frustration of that kind of moment, when the other person laughs or gives you a look, is how I feel right now. Words cannot explain how incredibly intricate God's work was in my life this summer. And the inability of expression is beautiful in itself.

 Cannot wait for new fall details to add to my timeline...


Monday, September 10, 2012

Weekly Exploration

Volume I: Belle Isle Conservatory

Yesterday afternoon, Josh showed me the The Conservatory on Belle Isle. It was incredible. Relaxing. Beautiful. Inspirational.

It was all together a great day.

Music. Scenery. Sushi. Jesus. Just great.

Josh's photos:



Three months in Michigan and I have posted once. Here's to catching up!

I now work at Life Challenge of Southeastern Michigan. I absolutely love it! As staff, I live in a house with women of all ages who are overcoming addictions: humbly changing their lives and seeking God. I oversee their daily activities, mentor them, pray with them, and show them the love of Christ through afternoons of pulling weeds in the yard, and evenings of laughter and pink nail polish.

When I was initially called to move to Michigan, my only knowledge of God's plan was that I would be volunteering as an ESL teacher in Dearborn. With the new season, registration is finally here! Starting next week, I will be teaching women and children practical knowledge to live in our country while also opening their spiritual taste buds to the love of Christ.

At church last night, the speaker, Luke Halford, reminded me that I am called to be salt. Salt opens the tongue's taste buds to taste the already existing flavors of the food. We are not called to be the food… the message of Christ is the food. But, we are used as the salt!

Luke 14:34, Matthew 5:13 and Mark 9:50 all tell us that if we do not remain salty, we are useless. Meaning, if we are not opening others to the message of Christ, we are useless. We are called to be salt. Daily!

Are you salt... Or are you useless today?
